Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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9/11 Tribute Museum Ticket Offer

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9/11 Tribute Museum Ticket Offer

The 9/11 Tribute Museum has a complimentary ticket offer for 9/11-connected DEA Retirees and family members.


The Museum is offering two (2) complimentary One World Observatory tickets for members who responded on 9/11 or supported the recovery effort in any capacity through May 28, 2002.


The Museum is also offering up to four (4) tickets for members who lost an immediate family member on 9/11 or due to 9/11-related illness.


The Museum also has a specially discounted ticket offer for members who don’t have a direct 9/11 connection.


Additionally, as the Tribute Museum is dedicated to educating visitors about September 11, 2001 through storytelling from those who were there or are personally connected, please check the Tribute’s highly flexible volunteer program. As a volunteer, those interested in volunteering can attend an upcoming storytelling workshop, which includes a complimentary dinner, and once completing the storytelling workshop they will help you craft your experience into a short story. Volunteers will be able to share their stories in the Museum, on guided tours, and/or with school groups at your convenience.


Please click on the pdf files to see the graphics that easily explain the steps you can take to become a volunteer or obtain tickets.


The complimentary One World Observatory Ticket Link is —

9-11 Tribute Museum Ticket Offer

Volunteer Steps Infographic