Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Watch Our Webinar Regarding the New Medicare Advantage Plus Plan

Watch Our Webinar Regarding the New Medicare Advantage Plus Plan

Effective January 1, 2022, the City of New York launches a new Medicare Advantage Plus plan as the “premium free” health care program for City retirees.

Keeping our membership informed has always been a priority for the DEA, and with that in mind we asked the Alliance (Empire BlueCross BlueShield and Emblem Health) to outline the new plan for our Medicare retirees and for those approaching Medicare eligibility.

As you know, the creation of this new Medicare Advantage Plus plan was necessary to keep our retirees’ health benefits insurance solvent and vital in the coming years. New York City is the last City in America where the retired municipal workers do not have to contribute to their own health insurance plan. We would like to keep it that way. But in order to do so, it was necessary for the Municipal Labor Committee to approve of this new program.

Two things to note: your DEA prescription drug plan, new Cigna dental plan, vision benefits, our DEA hearing aid benefit, health screening programs, and all our other benefits remain intact and unchanged. And, your Medicare Part B reimbursement by the City every April also remains unchanged and will continue.

The DEA hosted a Zoom Webinar on the new Medicare Advantage Plus plan on October 12, 2021. We recorded the webinar and it’s now available for members to view on the following link. We hope this presentation answers your questions and concerns. If you have additional questions, please feel free to call the NYC Medicare Advantage Plus plan dedicated hotline at (1-833) 325-1190. This hotline was created to answer all your questions about your individual coverage.