Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President

The DEA Honor Roll

Official Line of Duty Deaths

Isadore Astel

Isadore Astel

Rank: Detective

Shield Number: 1461

Command: M.O.D.D

Date of Death: 08/11/1937

Cause of Death: Shot - Robbery in Progress

Detective Astel succumbed to gunshot wounds received eight months earlier when he interrupted a robbery in a store.  He was able to return fire and wound one of the three suspects.  Detective Astel was taken to a local hospital where he remained until his death.


While in the hospital he received the NYPD Combat Cross and was promoted to Detective 3rd Grade.


Detective Astel had been with the NYPD for eight years and was assigned to the 25th Precinct’s MODD Squad.  He was 32 years old.

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