Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President

The DEA Honor Roll

Official Line of Duty Deaths

Louis L. Miller

Louis Miller

Rank: Detective

Shield Number: 1793

Command: NSU #10

Date of Death: 03/11/1987

Cause of Death: Shot - Burglary in Progress

Detective Miller was shot and killed while investigating and armed robbery call.  Detective Miller was a field training officer and was riding with three of his trainees.  They met other officers at the scene and he directed two men to the roof of the building and two men to the 5th floor, where the crime was taking place.  He and one of his trainees rode the elevator to the 4th floor with the intention of walking the last flight of stairs.  When the elevator doors opened they were met with two suspects who immediately opened fire, striking both officers.  Both officers returned fire, fatally wounding one suspect and wounding the other, who was later apprehended.



Detective Miller’s trainee received the Medal of Valor for his actions.  Detective Miller had been with the agency for 34 years and had trained over 2,000 officers in his 15 years as a field training officer.

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