Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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2024 Dues Increase

2024 Dues Increase

Because of the rising costs of doing business, and the increases in the services we offer our members — such as enhancements to our health benefits (i.e. Cigna dental, Express Scripts pharmacy, etc.), and increases in labor and legal representation — there will be an increase in union dues for active Detectives in accordance with the DEA Constitution and By-Laws. The DEA has not increased its dues since the end of 2022; however, in order to keep pace with inflation, effective January 2024, there will an increase of $3.50 per pay period.

In the months to come, the DEA will be exploring additional benefit enhancements as it is the mission of the DEA to do everything we can to improve the lives of our members and their families.

