Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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A Message From the President About Our New Cigna Healthcare Dental Program

A Message From the President About Our New Cigna Healthcare Dental Program

Dear DEA Member:

On behalf of the DEA Board of Officers, I am pleased to announce the rollout of our new Cigna Healthcare comprehensive and enhanced dental program for all active and retired DEA members and their families.

This new, streamlined program will be effective September 1, 2021.

Our new Cigna Program will offer better services, more participating dentists, and more covered procedures with higher reimbursements.

Our new program will include a 24-hour, seven days per week Cigna customer service team working year-round with a special 800-toll-free telephone number and a special website exclusively for DEA members and their families.

During the week of August 10th, Cigna and the DEA will be sending you a package of important materials in the mail that will outline all the particulars of the program and its services.

During the week of August 17th, your new identification card(s) will be mailed to you.

We know that law enforcement today is facing its most difficult time. Therefore, the DEA has been working hard to deliver the best possible benefits for our members, and we believe you will find this carefully designed Cigna program to deliver a far superior dental plan than our members have ever experienced before!

And moving forward, we will be working hard to make other enhancements to our programs to bring you the best possible benefits that we can.

It is truly our privilege and honor to serve the Detectives of the New York City Police Department, truly the Greatest Detectives in the World.

Paul DiGiacomo



RIG Roundtable Dinner 2025

RIG — The Retired Investigators Guild (RIG) — is a non-profit organization of retired Investigators dedicated to providing expert assistance