Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Det. Troy Patterson Eulogized by the New York Post

Det. Troy Patterson Eulogized by the New York Post

Hero Det. Troy Patterson passed away on Saturday, April 29, 2023. Det. Patterson was off duty and washing his car in 1990 when he was approached by three perpetrators who tried to rob him and shot him at close range. Det. Patterson spent the past 33 years in a coma. We will never forget his sacrifice and service to the City of New York. May he rest in peace. Click on the pdf file below to read about Det. Patterson’s service and legacy in the New York Post.


RIG Roundtable Dinner 2025

RIG — The Retired Investigators Guild (RIG) — is a non-profit organization of retired Investigators dedicated to providing expert assistance