Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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New York Gives to the DEA Widows’ and Children’s Fund

New York Gives to the DEA Widows’ and Children’s Fund

The DEA Widows’ and Children’s Fund (charity code 11979) actively participates in the NYC Gives Program, which enables City employees to donate to charities of their choice. Simply enroll in, and self-manage, your charitable contributions in NYCAPS, using the Employee Self-Service (ESS) system, which operates 24 hours per day, seven days per week online.

To enroll, modify, or cancel NYC Gives contributions, City of New York employees can log into NYCAPS Employee Self-Service at –

—  and navigate to Payroll and Compensation > Deduction Information > NYC Gives page.

Visit the web page at where this information is listed.

You can search the listing of active, participating charities on the web at

Click on the pdf link below to access the NYC Gives User Guide:

NYC Gives – enroll_modify_cancel_user_guide

The DEA’s Widows’ and Children’s Fund was established as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity to assist our members in need.  The Fund tends to the health and welfare of the families of deceased DEA members, primarily in the form of health benefits and assistance with excessive medical bills.  When an active DEA member dies, the DEA provides a $10,000 funeral expense to the family and then provides full DEA health benefits to the surviving spouse and children until the youngest child reaches the age of 19.  You can read more about the Widows’ and Children’s Fund on its special section on this website.

Thank you for your support!

Here is a list of some of the police organizations participating in NYC Gives:

NY Gives Code Charity
11979 Detectives’ Endowment Association Widows’ and Children’s Fund, Inc.

Provides assistance to spouses and children of deceased detectives, primarily in the form of health benefits, funeral benefits, and medical bills.

12242 POPPA – Police Organization Providing Peer Assistance

Provides confidential, non-Departmental peer support, suicide prevention, and counseling for stress, divorce, alcoholism, and depression.

11762 Police Self Support Group

Provides support and counseling to officers who are severely emotionally or physically injured in the line of duty.

11867 Survivors of the Shield

A support group for spouses, children, parents, and siblings of police officers killed in the line of duty.

10813 Police Athletic League

Citywide youth organization servicing tens of thousands of children and teens with educational, social, sports, and cultural programs since 1914.

11870 The Vinny Guidice Memorial Foundation

Provides medical ID tags to NYPD MOS, and sponsors a Little League team in memory of Officer Guidice, killed in the line of duty on May 21, 1996.

12012 The Michael J. Buczek Foundation

Provides scholarships to children of members of local police organizations, feeds the hungry, and sponsors a Washington Heights Little League team.

12059 PBA Widows’ & Children’s Fund, Inc.

Provides aid and assistance to spouses and children of police officers killed in the line of duty.

12115 Police Reserve Association City of New York

Provides high school and college scholarships for children of active, retired, or deceased NYPD MOS.

10774 New York City Police Foundation

Supports the Police Department by providing funding and equipment to strengthen the services and performance of various NYPD initiatives.
