Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Election Day Is November 2, 2021

Election Day Is November 2, 2021

Election Day is Tuesday, November 2, 2021.  The following is our list of endorsed candidates for certain political races in New York City and surrounding suburbs. We need you to vote for our endorsed candidates in order to assist with our political and legislative agenda in the coming years. The DEA is endorsing …

Vito Fossella for Borough President of Staten Island

Michael Conigliaro for NYC Council in District 29

Donald Cranston for NYC Council in District 46

Steven Saperstein for NYC Council in District 48

Joseph Borelli for NYC Council in District 51

Brendan Lantry for Civil Court Judge in New York

Charles Troia for Supreme Court Judge, Staten Island

Ann Thompson for Supreme Court Judge in Staten Island

Anne Donnelly for District Attorney in Nassau County

Tim Sini for District Attorney in Suffolk County

Anthony D’Esposito for Councilman in the Town of Hempstead

In addition, the DEA proposes that our members vote NO on Propositions #1, #3, and #4 in order to keep our elections fair, balanced, and unblemished. Click on the following pdf link to access the DEA flyer that details these propositions and why the union objects to them.

Vote NO for Propositions # 1, 3, & 4

Remember, in unity there is strength. Help us to usher in a new era of pro-police legislation in New York City and New York State!  Please vote for our endorsed candidates on November 2nd!




RIG Roundtable Dinner 2025

RIG — The Retired Investigators Guild (RIG) — is a non-profit organization of retired Investigators dedicated to providing expert assistance