Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Election for Manhattan North Welfare Officer

Election for Manhattan North Welfare Officer

With the retirement of Patrick Purcell, DEA Secretary Ken Sparks, along with Manhattan North Trustee John Hourican and Borough Director Brian Hunt, will coordinate the election for a new MN Welfare Officer. Letters of intent to run for the position had to be received at the DEA by 17:00 hours on April 20th. Per the DEA’s Constitution and By Laws, candidates must have been a Delegate for at least two years. Candidates are Det. Vincent Signoretti of the 26 Squad and Det. Richard Baboolal of the 33 Squad. Ballots will be mailed out on April 26. Ballots must be returned to the DEA by 17:00 hours on May 13. The ballot count will be conducted at the DEA at 12:00 noon on May 14, 2021.



