Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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If Any Active Detective Is Put In Harm’s Way Of Contracting COVID-19

If Any Active Detective Is Put In Harm’s Way Of Contracting COVID-19

The DEA is aware of the incident that occurred on the evening of Tuesday, April 28, 2020, in the confines of the 90th Precinct, where more than 2,000 people gathered for a funeral. Due to social distancing protocols not being followed, our members may have been recklessly put in danger of contracting the Coronavirus.


If any active Detective believes that he or she may have been exposed to the virus during this incident in Brooklyn, or has been exposed in any other similar incidents where individuals failed to follow social distancing and virus guidelines, please contact your Delegate, Trustee, or the DEA office directly as soon as possible.


Likewise, if anyone attempts intentionally to injure you while you are performing your official duties, or you have been otherwise injured by a perpetrator resisting arrest, please contact your Delegate, Trustee, or the DEA office.


The DEA will seek to file a civil action seeking damages against any person who purposely or recklessly places any New York City Detective at risk for contracting the Coronavirus, or, in any way, causes an injury to a Detective during the course of his or her official duties.


Please know that the DEA will always be in your corner — fighting for your rights, health, and safety. In unity there is strength.




Paul DiGiacomo, President, and the DEA Board of Officers


RIG Roundtable Dinner 2025

RIG — The Retired Investigators Guild (RIG) — is a non-profit organization of retired Investigators dedicated to providing expert assistance