Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Important WTC VCF Deadline Approaching

Important WTC VCF Deadline Approaching

Please be advised there is an upcoming registration deadline for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, commonly known as the “VCF.” While the VCF is a separate program from the WTC Health Program, some WTC Health Program members may also be eligible for the Victim Compensation Fund.

As you remember, the Never Forget the Heroes, James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer, and Luis Alvarez Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act was signed into law in July 2019. That legislation fully funded the VCF and authorized it to accept claims until 2090, so that eligible 9/11 responders and survivors who suffered physical illnesses from their exposure to toxins can apply for the financial compensation they deserve.

However, there is an upcoming VCF July 29, 2021, registration deadline. The DEA wants to make sure our members understand what this deadline means and who it is for.  It is specific to certain circumstances, and is not related to the 2090 funding of the Act.

Below is a quick synopsis of the July 29, 2021, registration deadline.

Registration with the VCF is separate from enrollment in the WTC Health Program. VCF registration preserves your right to file a VCF claim in the future. Additional detailed information can be found at

However, the July 29, 2021, registration deadline applies only to those WTC Health Program members who meet the following criteria:

You were certified by the WTC Health Program for a 9/11-related physical health condition on or before July 29, 2019, and you have not yet registered with the VCF.

You were registered to file a claim for an individual who you believe died of a 9/11-related physical health condition on or before July 29, 2019, and the individual or his/her representative has not already registered with the VCF.

The July 29, 2021, deadline provides an opportunity for claimants who missed their prior deadlines to register.

If you are certified with a WTC-related health condition in the future, you must register within two years of your certification date.

Registration with the VCF is simple. You may register online at

Or by calling the VCF’s Toll-free Helpline at 1-855-885-1555.

Or you may go through one of the DEA recommended attorneys:

Pitta Giblin & Baione LLP at 212-658-1766 or visit their website at

Or Retired NYPD and NYS Paramedic Matthew J. McCauley, a partner at Turken, Heath & McCauley, LLP at (914) 343-5251 cell or (914) 363-6355 direct. Or visit their website at

If you are unsure of your VCF registration status, the Helpline can assist you. More information is also available on the VCF website at

This deadline does not affect any of the medical care you are receiving now or will be receiving from the WTC Health Program in the future. The Clinical Center of Excellence at Mount Sinai continues to provide medical monitoring and treatment for all 9/11 patients.

There are eight Mount Sinai program Clinical Centers of Excellence in the New York metropolitan area with locations across NY and NJ. There is also a Nationwide Provider Network to serve members outside of the New York metropolitan area. The Mount Sinai Clinical Center of Excellence has a long history of working with the NYPD and they are happy to help you enroll in the Program and understand your options for care.

For more information on the programs please visit —

World Trade Center Health Program at

Or call the WTC Health Program at (888) 982-4748.

Or visit the Victim Compensation Fund at

Or call the VCF at (855) 885-1555.

The DEA is always available to assist you if you have questions regarding either the WTC Health Program or the Victim Compensation Fund, so reach out to the union or our above-mentioned attorneys if you need assistance.
