As you probably are aware, a payment was deducted from the majority of Detectives’ paychecks this past Friday, February 3, 2023.The DEA has been working closely with NYPD Labor Relations and the Office of Payroll Administration (OPA) to determine what this payment was and why was it being deducted.
If you recall, back in November of 2022, Labor Relations notified Detectives that an overpayment in Night Shift Differential had occurred for all Detectives with five (5) years of seniority or more. The November bulletin went on to say that Detectives would be informed as to how much they owe and given an option of making repayment.
We have now determined that this payroll deduction on Friday, February 3rd was the full amount owed by each Detective. However, the amount was deducted and then put back. So, no money should have come out of anyone’s paycheck last Friday. It should have appeared in your paystub as “NON-PENS 1X PAYMENT-CONTRACTUAL.”
Every Detective should check their paystub now and recognize how much money that they were overpaid and what they must repay. For many, this is a small enough amount to be taken in a one-time recoupment. We are still working out the details for Detectives who owe larger amounts. The DEA will continue to monitor the situation and keep you updated.