In 2019, with 73.5% support of the electorate, New York City residents elected to use Ranked-Choice Voting in special and primary elections for local offices, including Mayor, Public Advocate, Comptroller, Borough President, and the New York City Council, starting in 2021.
The primary election in New York City will be held on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, and, for the first time in City history, registered voters will be using Ranked-Choice Voting. This process allows for voters to vote for up to five (5) candidates in order of their preference: one being the voter’s first choice, and five being the voter’s fifth choice.
We have vetted dozens of candidates and have given the DEA’s endorsement to those candidates who truly understand the concerns and needs of the working class and organized labor, and, of course, the concerns and needs of New York City’s law enforcement community and the enormity of the responsibilities we bear and sacrifices we make each day. Our endorsed candidates have pledged to us that they will help us turn back the rising tide of both anti-police rhetoric and anti-police legislation. Notably, there are some Council Districts in which we did not make an endorsement, and other Council Districts, in response to Ranked-Choice Voting, where the DEA endorsed more than one candidate.
Please note that New York City voters may only vote in the primary election for those candidates who are running on their political party’s line. Therefore, if you are a registered Democrat, you may only vote for candidates who are running on the Democratic Party line. If you are a registered Republican, you may only vote for candidates who are running on the Republican Party line. (During the general election in November, you may vote for any candidate of your choice, without regard to party affiliation. But this primary election in June is very important to help ensure that we get as many law enforcement friendly candidates as possible on the ballot in the November general election).
The list of our endorsed candidates for the primary election can be found on the DEA website under “Resources, Political Endorsements.”
If you live in one of the five Boroughs of New York City, you will also be receiving a letter with our DEA endorsements for your Election District and Borough.
If you have any questions about the Ranked-Choice Voting process, click on the link below to access the New York City Board of Elections online guide to understanding the process.
This is a critically important election for our union, our profession, and for our families. If you live in one of the five Boroughs, we urge you — and to encourage your friends and family — to go to the polls and vote for each of the DEA’s endorsed candidates in the New York City primary on June 22.