A civil action was initiated by the New York State Attorney General’s Office and a collection of individual Plaintiffs against the City of New York, the NYPD, and a number of individually-named Members of Service, which all stems from the violent demonstrations that plagued the City in the summer of 2020. The PBA, DEA, and SBA have been participating in this case as “Union-Intervenors” to ensure that the rights of MOS are not trampled upon by the Plaintiffs, and that the City and NYPD do not infringe upon the contractual guarantees gained through collective bargaining, and that, at the end, our collective memberships are provided with the necessary protections when facing potentially dangerous protests in the future. The DEA has participated in the mediation process for a number of sessions regarding this litigation. However, since the mediation process has yet to produce a resolution and the discovery process in the instant matter continues under strict judicial guidelines, the DEA has appeared at depositions for members who have been noticed by the Plaintiffs in this case. To that end, in the event that you or a fellow DEA member has been ordered to be deposed in this matter, please reach out to the Union to ensure that DEA counsel will be appearing at said deposition on behalf of you and your fellow DEA members.
6th Anniversary Memorial Mass
In loving Memory of Detective 1st Grade Brian P. Simonsen End of Watch Tuesday, February 12, 2019