Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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War of words between NYC health commissioner, NYPD erupted over face masks for cops; police unions fuming

War of words between NYC health commissioner, NYPD erupted over face masks for cops; police unions fuming

An NYPD move to commandeer a half-million hospital-grade masks at the peak of the coronavirus epidemic set off a heated war of words between the city’s health commissioner and the police department’s top cop, sources say.

The standoff over the in-demand N-95 masks —headed for the swamped hospital and health care workers overwhelmed by a daily flood of COVID-19 patients — came in mid-March when cops showed up unnannounced at an out-of-state FEMA warehouse and demanded the protective gear.

“A so-called city leader, Dr. Barbot showed her true colors as a cop-hater. Five brave NYPD Detectives died as the DEA searched for protective equipment to purchase for our members while we waited for the city to distribute masks,” Detectives Endowment Association President Paul DiGiacomo said Wednesday. “Dr. Oxiris Barbot’s shameful behavior likely contributed to the further spread of this deadly virus.”

More from the NY Daily News here.
