Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Inner Imaging Body Scans for Retirees

Inner Imaging Body Scans for Retirees

Inner Imaging is at 165 East 84th Street in Manhattan and is now affiliated with New York Medical Imaging Associates. Their telephone number is (212) 518-2905, and  their fax number is (212) 518-2905. But first, read through the following information and the information on their web site, linked at the end of this article.


Since the attacks on the World Trade Center, and the rescue, recovery, and clean-up efforts that followed, many of our members have become ill from an assortment of ailments, including respiratory problems, cancers, and other diseases that vary in magnitude.

While the DEA has been promoting the work of the WTC Medical Screening Program at Mt. Sinai and the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Program of the American Red Cross, we feel a more pro-active course needs to be taken.

Therefore, in conjunction with Inner Imaging, an affiliate of the Heart Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center, the Board of Trustees of the DEA have created an arrangement for a deeply discounted price for medical screening exams for DEA retired members.

Retirees can avail themselves of a full body scan (heart, lung, abdomen and pelvis) by paying a deeply discounted rate of $375. This full body scan is valued at approximately $850. Retired members can also take advantage of a further offer by undertaking a two-test body scan, Heart and Lungs only, at the deeply discounted price of $150.

The importance of this scan is that it can detect, at early stages, those factors which can lead to seriously debilitating or even fatal disease.  We hope that this will be an incentive for our retired members to take advantage of this important preventative program:  our goal is to keep our membership healthy and to save lives.

Below, please find some basic facts concerning these medical scans.

To pursue your body scan, call the DEA Health Benefits Office at (212) 587-9120 and our staff will explain the process to you.  Inner Imaging has also created an on-line scheduling method exclusively for DEA members at

The DEA Board of Trustees feel strongly that this procedure can be of great benefit to your health and welfare, and that is why we stress its importance as we go forward in dealing with the unknown ramifications of the medical effects of 9/11.


Police work is a highly stressful profession and we all know how much stress can affect the heart and play a contributing role in heart attacks.  More than 1.5 million people suffer heart attacks each year, and over 30% of those attacks are fatal.  Coronary artery disease is a leading cause of those attacks.  68% of these sudden heart attacks are in arteries that are less that 50% blocked and that blockage cannot be detected with traditional stress testing.  Inner Imaging believes its heart scan can identify coronary artery disease as much as 15-17 years before symptoms occur with an accuracy rate of 98%.


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States.  In light of 9/11 and the toxic substances our members have been exposed to, we are extremely concerned about respiratory illness.  Electron Beam Tomography scanning (EBT) is ten times more sensitive than a regular chest x-ray and can detect the early development of lung diseases.  The current survival rate of lung cancer is only 12-15%.  Inner Imaging believes that early detection of lung cancer with EBT scanning can potentially change the survival rate to greater than 80%.


There is a spike in some organ cancers found in those who were involved in the rescue, recovery, and clean-up efforts of 9/11 and in those who worked at Ground Zero, the landfill, and the morgue.  The abdomen and pelvis exams are used to identify early stages of disease in the organs of your abdomen and pelvis areas, such as the liver and intestines.