Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Governor Signs COVID-19 LOD Bill — A Message from the DEA President

Governor Signs COVID-19 LOD Bill — A Message from the DEA President

Through the tremendous efforts of our Union, and our work with City and State legislators, the Governor of the State of New York has signed the COVID-19 bill that gives Line-of-Duty Death Benefits to our members who passed because of the Coronavirus. This will give our LOD families financial stability and the health benefits they richly deserve as they deal with the devastating loss caused by this pandemic.

Our hearts go out to the families of all municipal workers on the front lines who have been dealing with this unprecedented disaster. The DEA will always keep the families of our five deceased Detectives — Raymond Abear, Robert Cardona, Cedric Dixon, Jack Polimeni, and Jeffrey Scalf — in our thoughts and prayers. We can rest a bit easier knowing they will be taken care of by the City and State of New York.


Paul DiGiacomo, President
