Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Important Message

Important Message

Sunday night and Monday, Labor Day, historically mark some of the most violent days in New York City. Please use your training, protect yourself and your fellow cops at all costs — and the DEA will always protect you.

Although there are no planned events around the holiday, many Detectives will be detailed to locations across the city to help prevent violence and fight crime — what you do best.

The DEA wants to remind you to use every bit of caution during any enforcement interaction. Know that elected officials continue to NOT support the police. They think nothing of publicly indicting those in blue based on seconds-long viral video.

These are unprecedented times we are in, but the DEA will continue to be in your corner fighting for your rights.In unity there is strength.


Paul DiGiacomo, President, and the DEA Board of Officers
