Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Anti-Cop Legislation Defeated

Anti-Cop Legislation Defeated

The Albany session has just come to an end and thanks to the efforts of our members and the communities we serve who support the police and are fighting for a safe city, the legislation we have been vehemently opposing did not pass.

Among the bills that did not pass were the following: the criminalization of proper force used by Officers and Detectives; legislation limiting Detectives’ ability to question criminals; legislation that would have destroyed the City’s DNA database; legislation that would have prohibited police from using facial recognition to solve crimes; and legislation mandating that murderers, rapists, and cop-killers be eligible for parole when they reach 55 years of age.

Thank you all for helping to defeat this horrible slate of proposed bills.

In unity, with your continued efforts, we will keep Police Officers and Detectives safe — and make this great City a safer place to live. The DEA will always fight for the rights of our members and our rank, and continue to lead the charge when defending our profession.


