Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Use The DEA Time-Tracking App!

Use The DEA Time-Tracking App!

The DEA developed a “Time Tracking” App for active members to keep track of time when they are off duty, but contacted by the job. This App will be used in our next round of contract negotiations, particularly at this time when the fiscal outlook of the City is not good. Since the inception of the app, DEA members have logged in 2,968 activities, totaling slightly more than 1,767 hours of time.

This application (“app”) can be used on your electronic devices (computer, iPad, iPhone, or other cell phone device) to assist members in keeping a log of time spent handing police-related matters when not officially on-duty. The time tracking app can be used to log in your minutes, hours, or days spent on whatever you deem “work-related” and time spent when you are contacted by ‘the job (by phone, email, text, etc.) when you are officially off the NYPD clock. It’s our intention that members will download the app from the Google or Apple app store and log their time. Please use this app, because we need this critical, hard data to get the raises our members duly deserve!

GET STARTED NOW … Here’s the technical information:

Start Logging Your Minutes and Hours To Help You Get The Raises You Deserve!

The DEA Time-Tracking App was developed for smartphones and mobile devices to assist our active members in keeping a log of the time spent handling police-related matters when you are not officially on-duty. This app should be used to log any and all time spent on “work-related” matters when you are contacted by ‘the job’ (by phone, email, text, etc.) when you are officially off the NYPD clock.

“Off-duty time” may be identified as being case related, or if it is a matter that does not have a case number, simply indicate what type of incident or communications occurred. All of this time counts towards our calculations. It is extremely important that you log the amount of time spent responding to the job during off hours as it should be considered overtime and we plan to use this information in our next round of contract negotiations to garner the raises our members duly deserve!

You can download the app from the Apple App Store or from Google Play.

Although this app is extremely simple to use, we have prepared a short video tutorial which can be found below.

If you have any questions or need additional support, you can call the dedicated support line for the application developer at 1-(800) 913-8430 or email  [email protected]   Support team hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.




