Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Nick Cifuni Joins DEA as Disability Attorney

Nick Cifuni Joins DEA as Disability Attorney

Members are encouraged to contact our new DEA Disability Counsel, Nick Cifuni of Ungaro Cifuni & Jaffe, LLP. He will be handling disability pensions for the DEA. The very experienced firm also handles disability pensions for the SBA, LBA, and CEA. Ungaro Cifuni & Jaffe, LLP is located at 291 Broadway, Suite #1400, New York, NY 10007; (212) 766-5800. Their website is at —

Nick Cifuni can be reached at  [email protected]

Email with any questions about any aspect of disability or line of duty related issues. This service is entirely covered by the DEA for active members and retirees who have WTC related conditions.

