Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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9/11 Retiree Det. Second Grade William “Billy” Dugal Needs Kidney Transplant

9/11 Retiree Det. Second Grade William “Billy” Dugal Needs Kidney Transplant

Retired Detective Second Grade William “Billy” Dugal is 68 years old and is in need of a kidney transplant.

Those who know Billy, who retired after a 20-year career out of the NYPD Intelligence Division in January of 2004, know him as a husband and father of four children. He is also the primary caregiver for his 38-year-old daughter who was stricken with primary progressive Multiple Sclerosis over ten years ago and is paralyzed.

Billy joined the force in 1984 and worked in the 13th Precinct, Manhattan South Narcotics, and the Midtown North Detective Squad prior to transferring to his final command. Billy worked during and after the WTC attacks and worked many hours in the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero and the Staten Island Landfill. As a result, Billy has been diagnosed with a 9/11-related World Trade Center Health certified kidney disease and is in desperate need of a kidney donor.

Anyone who is willing to commit to this life-saving procedure should contact The Stony Brook Medical Center Kidney Transplant Center. Call Pre-transplant Coordinator Lorraine Witzke at (631) 216-8581 or Karen O’Sullivan at (631) 444-8141.

On behalf of the Dugal family, we thank you.