Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Contract Update

Contract Update

On December 10, 2021, the DEA met with the City of New York in a collective bargaining session. After several rounds of negotiations, talks broke down. As you know, the current uniformed coalition agreement is 2.25%, 2.50%, and 3.0% over 36 months, with an additional 2.25% obtained through attrition bargaining. In short, the City is asking for too many concessions from the DEA to attain the additional 2.25%. We will continue to negotiate in good faith and demand that our members be treated fairly. It’s expected that we will have another collective bargaining session before the end of the year, and we will keep you apprised as information develops.

Here’s the backstory:  We are still awaiting from the City additional ideas to supplement our own regarding the values requested. Values are being examined by our accounting firm. Talks were held between the DEA and the City on September 9, 2021, and previously via remote on April 13, 2021. Since the PBA received .74% for body cameras and 1.51% for the reduction in salary of the “unborn” (new recruits), the City gave us some very preliminary options for the 2.25% value to be made up. We are pursuing value for the work our members did during the vaccine roll out, vaccine and mask mandates and testing, and for additional aspects of the job, including retirements and reduced manpower, and subsequent increase in workload, etc. The pattern set by the LBA and CEA would mean a basic package for us as follows:  4/1/19 = 2.25%; 4/1/20 = 2.50%; and 4/1/21 = 3%.

Here’s more backstory:   On September 18, 2020, the New York State Court of Appeals denied our motion for leave to appeal the dismissal of our Promissory Estoppel lawsuit by the Appellate Division. The DEA has exhausted all appeals. Given the current situation with the pandemic, demonstrations, and funding / economic crisis, there have been no new developments with the City regarding contract negotiations.

