The Detectives’ Endowment Association, Inc. — Representing The Greatest Detectives In the World!

Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Mental Health Assistance Offered from “Talk to Me Post Tour”

Mental Health Assistance Offered from “Talk to Me Post Tour”

Post Tour Processing, also known as Talk to Me Post Tour (TTMPT), currently provides online peer support to active and retired law enforcement and other first responders coming “off tour.

Camaraderie and support are key components of the program. TTMPT was developed to help recognize and reduce the incidence of PTSD among Police Officers by providing an accessible and safe environment to “process” the often-traumatizing experiences encountered on the job. The program has operated with volunteer support and leadership with online groups run by trained peer facilitators. In March 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic hit, TTMPT’s principals immediately pivoted to be of assistance to law enforcement Officers and medical personnel on the pandemic frontline.

Talk to Me Post Tour is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization run by law enforcement professionals in New York; although the program is open to those in other jurisdictions throughout the nation. Facilitators are active and retired Police Officers who have volunteered to support their peers and who are trained by TTMPT. For the ‘tough’ cases, Talk to Me Post Tour has a cadre of mental health clinician volunteers who are trauma experts.

You may know, but most of the public does not realize, that Police Officers can be exposed to more traumas in a single tour than most civilians experience in a lifetime. Left unattended, the tension and stress that results from being bombarded by these traumatic incidents can have devastating effects. It can lead to difficulties with personal relationships, alcoholism, suicidal thoughts, and unintentional overreactions on the job.

TTMPT’s patented program offers anonymity, confidentiality, and security, and is a comprehensive plan for early identification and remediation of critical stress in law enforcement personnel.

The program is free of charge and anonymous — participants are advised before their sessions to use a pseudonym and coached throughout to help ensure no identifying details are volunteered. All that is required of the beneficiary is an Internet connection, computer or smart phone to access support in 60-minute sessions via a protected, web-based platform.

TTMPT’s founder and president, Robyn Cannariato, is a retired NYPD Police Officer and licensed clinical social worker who has deep expertise in critical incident stress debriefing. She helped to create the NYPD’s Early Intervention Unit and has been assisting law enforcement and their families for decades. Chris Hetherington, also retired NYPD and former Deputy Commissioner, Homeland Security Liaison, New York City Office of Emergency Management (NYC OEM), serves as Vice President and co-founder of the organization. More information about the organization and its executive and board leadership can be found online at

Click on the following link to access TTMPT and their mental health program: