Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Restructured Ratified Contract Settlement: Retroactive Paydate

Restructured Ratified Contract Settlement: Retroactive Paydate

Detectives’ Endowment Association, Inc. Contract Settlement

An additional 1% raise will be effective 12-1-2015. On Friday, April 24, as scheduled, members’ paychecks reflected the new 3% raises retroactive to April 1, 2012. Retroactivity included base pay, overtime earned, longevity, and uncharted night shift differential. Not included in the retro payment was retroactive holiday pay and retroactive nightshift differential for those members in a steady night shift chart. As of Tuesday, April 28, we do not yet have a pay date for the retro holiday pay and charted night shift differential pay. Once the NYPD’s payroll section gives us a pay date for the remaining retro, we will pass the information on to the membership.

As a result of the recent tentative accord reached between the Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) and the City of New York, the City and the SBA agreed to have the Sergeants first 1% raise take effect on the first day of the new contract. As per their agreement, the SBA paid with certain concessions to make the raise effective six (6) months earlier in order to capture additional retroactivity. The DEA immediately requested that we be allowed to restructure our already ratified agreement to reflect that our initial raise be effective on the first day of the contract as well, which is April 1st, 2012. On March 9th, 2015 the DEA and the City of New York amended our agreement to have our initial 1% raise now take effect on April 1st, 2012 instead of October 1st, 2012 (please note the new effective dates below for our 1.5%, 2.5%, and 3% raises). By doing so, DEA members will now receive retroactive payments in base pay, overtime, longevity, holiday pay, and night-shift differential retroactive to the first day of our contract. The Mayor and the Office of Labor Relations issued a public statement following the Coalition’s contract settlement articulating the City’s commitment to pattern bargaining and parity, and the City lived up to that commitment.

Deferral of Retroactive Pay through the Deferred Compensation Plans (457 and 401K):

Members who elect to defer some or all of their retroactive pay for the April 24th pay date must contact Deferred Compensation no later than March 24, 2015. (See attached pdf — “New York City Deferred Compensation Plan Processing Schedule for April 24,2015 Paydate.”)

This represents the terms and conditions of a final settlement:


Effective dates — April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2019 (7 years)

Wage increases — 11.5% compounded

Year    Rate Increase                         Effective Date of Increase

1          1%                                          April 1, 2012 (first day of contract)

2          1%                                          October 1, 2013 (first day of 19th month)

3          1%                                          December 1, 2014 (first day of 33rd month)

4          1%                                          December 1, 2015 (first day of 45th month)

5          1.5%                                       January 1, 2017 (first day of 58th month)

6          2.5%                                       January 1, 2018 (first day of 70th month)

7          3.0%                                       December 17, 2018 (17th day of 81st month)

Totals11.5% compounded                 March 31, 2019 (expiration end of 84th month)

Top pay salary figures

Year                                     3rd grade      2nd grade     1st grade

April 1, 2012                         $88,150          $99,053         $113,699

October 1, 2013                   $89,032          $100,043       $114,835

December 1, 2014               $89,922          $101,043       $115,983

December 1, 2015               $90,821          $102,053       $117,142

January 1, 2017                   $92,184          $103,583       $118,899

January 1, 2018                   $94,488          $106,172       $121,871

December 17, 2018             $97,322          $109,357       $125,527

Upon ratification members will receive an immediate 3% wage increase.

Longevity Increases

Longevity increases annually by the same percentages above due to the longevity escalator obtained in the last contract for the 15th and 20th year longevity steps.

Terminal Leave

Terminal leave cash payout option: effective upon ratification.

In an effort to preserve overtime earned, members will now have a terminal leave cash payout option that we currently do not have. In the calculation of the final average salary, a large percentage of our members waive their accumulated terminal leave upon retirement. This is a benefit we have tried to secure legislatively in Albany for the last 10 years.

The legislation was repeatedly vetoed by lawmakers at the City’s request due to the high cost.

The illustration below reflects approximations of terminal leave cash payouts based upon the current base pay figures:

3rd grade Detectives at top pay (base pay plus longevity and night shift)

20 years/60 calendar days = $17,500

25 years/75 calendar days = $22,000

30 years/90 calendar days = $26,500

35 years/105 calendar days=$31,000

2nd grade Detectives

20 years/60 calendar days = $19,000

25 years/75 calendar days = $24,000

30 years/90 calendar days = $29,000

35 years/105 calendar days=$34,000

1st grade Detectives

20 years/60 calendar days = $21,500

25 years/75 calendar days = $27,000

30 years/90 calendar days = $32,500

35 years/105 calendar days=$38,000

Retroactive Pay

The figures below are approximations on base pay and do not reflect overtime, night shift and longevity

3rd grade — $3,850                        2nd grade — $4,275                    1st grade — $4,830


The terms and conditions of the Municipal Labor Committee’s Health Agreement 2014 to 2018 are in effect.

As per the savings agreement between the MLC and the City of New York pursuant to the Teachers’ contract, any savings above the agreed-upon amount will be shared by Active employees. There will be no employee contributions on a bi-weekly basis towards the basic Health Benefits package (GHI or HIP).

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