The Detectives’ Endowment Association, Inc. — Representing The Greatest Detectives In the World!

Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Designation of Beneficiaries

Designation of Beneficiaries

Employees of the NYPD have a variety of financial and other job-related benefits that can be overwhelming to track.


Beginning in 2018, an update to the New York City Automated Personnel System (NYCAPS), Employee Self Service (ESS) portal, allows members to enter or update their beneficiary designations’ information so that their designated beneficiary may receive a cash benefit representing all or some of the employees’ unused leave balances and the accidental death benefit offered by the City. This system replaced the “Green Beneficiary Card” that most CMOS completed when hired. Now, all MOS, both Civilian and Uniformed, must use the New York City Automated Personnel System (NYCAPS), Employee Self Service (ESS) portal, to designate beneficiaries and update their information.


Have you entered or updated your beneficiary designations information in ESS?


Do you remember who you named as your beneficiary? Have you had any recent qualifying life events (marriage, divorce, birth of a child) that may have changed your choice of beneficiary?  Is it still your wish to have this person as your beneficiary if something unforeseen happens to you?


If you have not yet entered or updated your beneficiary information, or if you have experienced a qualifying life event and need to change or update beneficiary information, you can do so by logging into the ESS application and entering the information.


For additional information on updating your beneficiary for unused leave balances and accidental death benefits, please contact (646) 610-4201.


Additional Benefits


In addition to designating a beneficiary for your unused leave balances and accidental death benefits, many MOS are entitled to Death Benefits from their Pension System, union and/or the Deferred Compensation Plan. These entities are all separate and distinct, and require specific paperwork in order to designate or update beneficiary information. For more comprehensive information, it is strongly suggested that you reach out directly to those providers. This information is not carried over to the New York City Automated Personnel System (NYCAPS), Employee Self Service (ESS) portal.  Some information to get you started is noted below.




Most CMOS are enrolled in one of two pension systems, either the New York City Employees Retirement System (NYCERS) or the Board of Education Retirement System (BERS).


If you are a member of NYCERS and would like to update or review your beneficiary information, you can contact NYCERS at (347) 643-3000 or visit their website at

If you are a member of BERS and would like to update or review your beneficiary information, you can go to the Board of Education Retirement System (BERS) through the following link:

Deferred Compensation Plan


If you are enrolled in the Deferred Compensation Plan, you can obtain more information at the Office of Labor Relations website at

Union Benefits


Many NYC Employee unions offer a financial death benefit in the event a Member passes away. You should contact your union directly to ensure that this information accurately reflects your current wishes.