Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President

The DEA Honor Roll

Official Line of Duty Deaths

Dillon H. Stewart

Dillon H Steward

Rank: Detective First Grade

Shield Number: 3770

Command: 70 Precinct

Date of Death: 11/28/2005

Cause of Death: Shot and killed during car pursuit

In the early morning hours of November 28, 2005, Dillon Stewart and his partner were canvassing a troubled hotspot of the East Flatbush area when they attempted to pull over motorist Allan Cameron for running a red light. Cameron gave chase and when the Officers’ car caught up alongside of him, Cameron suddenly opened fire. One bullet made its way through the armhole gap in Stewart’s protective vest, piercing his heart. Not realizing he had been hit, Officer Stewart continued in pursuit of the shooter until he was overcome by his injuries. Officers from the 70th Precinct rushed Stewart to Kings County Hospital, where after several hours of surgery, he succumbed to his wounds. On Thursday, October 11, 2007, a Brooklyn jury found Allan Cameron, 29, guilty of first degree murder in the killing of Det. Dillon Stewart. The DEA thanks Brooklyn Assistant District Attorneys Mark Hale and Thomas Ridges, and all those who worked toward the conviction of Det. Stewart’s killer. Sentencing was on November 8, 2007 by Judge Albert Tomei. Cameron was given a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Survived by his wife and their two daughters, Stewart was posthumously promoted to Detective First Grade on November 30, 2005. In 2006, he was awarded the NYPD Medal of Honor.

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