Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President

Leroy Dixon

The DEA Honor Roll

Official Line of Duty Deaths
Shield Number:
83 Squad
Date of Death:
Cause of Death:
Illnesses contracted as a result of work on the rescue and recovery from the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001.
Detective Second Grade

Det. Second Grade Leroy Dixon was appointed to the force on October 1, 1973, during the high crime years in New York City. A former member of the fabled Tactical Patrol Force (TPF), Dixon was a giant of a man: approximately 6’5” and 240 pounds. However, he was known as a “gentle Giant:” quiet, strong, and distinguished, but able quickly to subdue any volatile situation. He was known for always “having your back” if things went awry. Dixon was promoted to Detective on August 28, 1986, and earned second grade on December 21, 1999. Dixon served in several commands during his career, including the Narcotics Division and the 83 Precinct. He made 312 arrests over the course of his time with the Department, and was recognized for Excellent Police Duty. He retired out of the 83 Squad in Brooklyn North on September 30, 2001, after 28 years with the NYPD. Det. Dixon took ill in retirement and passed away on June 14, 2015, from his work on the rescue and recovery from the WTC attacks. He was survived by his wife and two children.