Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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A Message from the President on the Vaccine Mandate as of March 25, 2022

A Message from the President on the Vaccine Mandate as of March 25, 2022

On March 24th, 2022, Mayor Adams announced the elimination of the COVID-19 vaccine requirement for those in professional sports and the entertainment industry.

It is our position that the Mayor must take the same action in regards to the members of the NYPD and immediately eliminate the Mandate. We have been in contact with the Mayor’s office countless times over the past 24 hours and have demanded that the City similarly eliminate, or at a minimum suspend, the Mandate as it applies to our members.

It is unfair for the City to apply two standards: one for multi-millionaire performers, and one for the brave men and women of the NYPD who risked their lives during the pandemic, and do every day, to keep our City safe.

I have stated our case that there should be no “double standard” and that the Vaccine Mandate should be abolished or suspended.

We are prepared to go back into Court if necessary to force the City to do so. While the Courts have provided us with little or no relief in our fight against the Mandate in our past lawsuits, perhaps this latest confusion will show the Courts just how arbitrary and capricious this Mandate is at this moment in time.

The DEA will keep the membership apprised of developments as soon as they occur.

Paul DiGiacomo, President

