Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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For Active Detectives — An Important Message from the President About Speaking to Reporters

For Active Detectives — An Important Message from the President About Speaking to Reporters

On Sunday, January 28, 2018, the New York Daily News launched an attack on one of our members, Detective Thomas Rice. In 2013, Det. Rice pled guilty to charges and specifications brought by the NYPD’s Department Advocate. In a negotiated plea, he forfeited 20 vacation days, which is the equivalent of four weeks’ pay, and he was transferred from his Detective Squad assignment back to patrol, while retaining his Detective designation. Detective Rice accepted his punishment and moved on with his life and his career.


Six years later, the Daily News decided to commence a mean-spirited, relentless attack, which they dragged out over a period of seven days. The DEA believes the story was reported in this manner to further the newspaper’s cop-hating agenda and its biased business model. The “cop-hating” Daily News doesn’t even cover a line of duty police death with the same length and intensity that it has given this story.


DEA members are strongly encouraged to refrain from cooperating with reporters from the Daily News newspaper. The paper’s attack on Detective Rice goes well beyond reporting the news. The two reporters, Graham Rayman and Rocco Parascondola, are attempting to interfere with the due process rights of all Detectives. Their actions are an assault on the work ethic and integrity of all Detectives who risk their lives while serving the public.


As a reminder, in any event, it is a violation of PG sections 212.49 and 212.77 for active Members of the Service to speak with reporters without authorization from DCPI. Should you receive requests from reporters, refer them to DCPI or the DEA.




Michael J. Palladino



