Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Be On The Look-out For Your Ballot

Be On The Look-out For Your Ballot

Ballots Have Been Mailed

Dear Detective,

As per the DEA’s Constitution and By-Laws, a blue envelope containing a ballot to ratify the DEA’s contract settlement has been mailed to you via the U.S. Postal Service. Please be on the look-out for this important contract ratification ballot in the mail.

The DEA is extremely pleased that we have reached agreement with the City of New York on the terms of a new labor contract which is effective as of, and retroactive to, April 1, 2019, and expires on May 31, 2022. Suffice it to say that we believe, as does the DEA Delegate body (which approved the contract settlement by a majority vote of more than 99% of its constituent members), that the contract settlement is an excellent result to what were long, arduous, and, at times, very tense negotiations with the City. In its overwhelming approval of the contract settlement, the DEA Delegates authorized the DEA’s leadership to bring the proposed new labor contract to the general, active membership for its ratification.

We are attaching for your review a five (5) page outline of the terms and conditions of the contract settlement, which includes a salary chart, longevity escalator chart, an estimated retroactive payment chart, and a salary step chart for newly appointed third graders. You will note that the new contract contains monumental value, requiring the payment to Detectives of the 2.25% wage “community policing differential” (now called the “service differential” for Detectives) effective April 1, 2022 and going forward; and achieving an immediate 7.95% compounded wage increase for all Detectives immediately upon contract ratification. Importantly, all Detectives who have at least five (5) years in rank will receive a compounded wage increase of 10.20%. There are thirty-three (33) months of retroactive pay from April 1, 2019, through the end of calendar year 2021, including all earned night shift differential, overtime pay, and holiday pay.

In addition to the retroactive wage increases, the DEA also negotiated a $200 increase in uniform allowance, and agreed to the establishment of a joint DEA and City committee to review and study the impact of, and agree upon compensation for, the important off-the-clock work routinely performed by Detectives in the furtherance of their duties. Failing the resolution of the compensation issue for such off-the-clock work, the DEA and its members will have the option of submitting the issue, either to final and binding arbitration or federal court litigation. In addition, the City agreed to allow ample time to adjust the Deferred Compensation contributions in relation to the retroactive pay. And while most, if not all, other NYC unions had to extend their new contracts for three (3) or more months, the DEA achieved all of the above with only a two (2) month extension from March 31, 2022 to May 31, 2022, when we will be back at the bargaining table with the City.

The City has advised us that it expects to be able to have all retroactive monies paid to the DEA’s members within 60 days of the DEA’s notice that our members have ratified the contract settlement. The DEA wants each of you to get your hard-earned and well-deserved raises — including retroactive pay, night shift differential, overtime pay, and holiday pay — into your pockets as soon as possible. Our members have worked and continue to work especially long and difficult hours, days, weeks, and months for the past years, particularly with the unprecedented raging COVID pandemic, the civil unrest, and the virtual breakdown of law and order in many of New York City’s communities. We believe the best way to start to move our rank forward is with the payment of these long overdue pay increases that this contract achieves.

Again, please be on the look-out for this important contract ratification ballot in the mail. And, please make sure that you vote to ratify the contract and mail your ballot back as soon as possible. The sooner the contract is ratified, the sooner you will receive your retroactive monies.

In the interim, if you have any questions, feel free to contact your union Delegate, Welfare Officer, Trustee, or the DEA office. We are pleased to start out the new year with this long overdue increase in wages and benefits for our members — the “Greatest Detectives in the World!”


Paul DiGiacomo, President

& The DEA Board of Officers

Click on the PDF link below to access the five-page attachment containing the Contract Terms and Conditions.

Five pages — Terms & Conditions of DEA Contract
