Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Brooklyn DA to Stop Prosecuting “Low-Level” Offenses Due to COVID-19

Brooklyn DA to Stop Prosecuting “Low-Level” Offenses Due to COVID-19

It has come to our attention that the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office will not be prosecuting “low level” offenses, although there is no clarification as to what is meant by “low level” cases. (See their statement below.)


If the Brooklyn DA’s office fails to process or prosecute your case, carefully document the name and title of the person or persons who are refusing, as well as other information pertaining to the case. It is most important to note the basis for probable cause for the arrest, and the reason the DA’s Office gives for the refusal to process the case. This is to protect our members from civil liability in the future.


If you have any questions or concerns, please call the DEA or the DEA’s attorneys (Karasyk & Moschella at 212-233-3800).


Please stay safe and healthy.


In unity,


Paul DiGiacomo


Click on the following link:

Brooklyn DA Statement Coronavirus & Prosecution PDF.JPG
