Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Chief of detectives union blasts proposed monitor for NYPD

Chief of detectives union blasts proposed monitor for NYPD

Detectives Endowment Association President Michael Palladino came out against a proposal for an inspector general to monitor the NYPD, and blasted Christine Quinn for her support of it.

Detectives Endowment Association President Michael Palladino ripped a proposal to create an inspector general to monitor the NYPD, calling it a ‘power grab’ by the City Council and an attempt to gain the authority to appoint to have its ‘own police commissioner.’


The head of the city’s detectives union on Thursday blasted a proposal to create an inspector general to monitor the NYPD — calling it a “power grab” by the City Council.


Michael Palladino, president of the Detectives Endowment Association, ripped City Council Speaker Christine Quinn over her support for the plan, which could allow an independent body to subpoena police officials and documents.


“I think it’s essentially a power grab by a segment of the City Council who are looking to have the authority to appoint their own police commissioner,” he said. “Quinn is willing to hand over that authority to them in exchange for support in the election.”


He said the bill is a “decoy” for the real issue — stop and frisk.


Quinn has continuously reiterated her support for Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly.


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