Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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COVID-19 Spike in Brooklyn: Wear Your PPE

COVID-19 Spike in Brooklyn: Wear Your PPE

On Wednesday, August 12th, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced an unusual spike in Coronavirus cases in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn. Two-hundred and-twenty-eight (228) residents have tested positive out of the 3,380 people tested. This is approximately seven times higher than the City’s average. On Thursday morning, the DEA reached out to the NYPD’s Labor Relations Unit and suggested that upon notification of these “Hot Spots” throughout the City, the NYPD should immediately notify the affected Precincts, Detective Squads, and all Specialty Units with standard COVID guidelines for responding to daily activity within the neighborhood concerned.

The Detectives’ Endowment Association, Inc. strongly suggests that Detectives, and all members of the service working in these “Hot Spots,” exercise extreme caution when dealing with the public. Utilize masks, gloves, Tyvek suits, and face shields if necessary. Your safety is of the utmost importance during these difficult times. If any protective gear is not available, we ask you to notify the DEA immediately.

