Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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DEA 2020 Union Election

DEA 2020 Union Election

As per the DEA Constitution and By Laws, Article V, Section 7, names had to be submitted for the Election Committee by the DEA Trustees to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, John Comer, for the January meeting. They are as follows: Headquarters (Timothy Quinn of Intel); Manhattan South (Daryl Harris of Grand Larceny); Manhattan North (Carl Roadarmel of the 20 Squad); Bronx (John Baumeister of the 47 Squad); Brooklyn South (Nelson Fernandez of the 78 Squad); Brooklyn North (Dave Lambert of the 79 Squad); Queens (Vincent Hoosack of Queens Narcotics); Staten Island (Nick Arhakos of the SI DA’s Office). Per the DEA Constitution and By Laws, any nominations may be made at the monthly DEA Delegates’ meeting in April 2020.


Also, as per the DEA Constitution and By Laws, petitions for any nominee for a contested office will be available at the DEA as of Monday, March 2, 2020. At the April Delegates’ meeting, Union Secretary Ken Sparks will announce the qualifying nominees for any contested office, as per Article V, Section 5 of the Constitution and By Laws. The DEA Constitution and By Laws is available to members by downloading it from the DEA website and/or App.

