Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Important Agency Shop Union Dues Lawsuit

Important Agency Shop Union Dues Lawsuit

We do not know how the death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will affect the outcome of this case. Here’s the backstory: On January 11, 2016, oral arguments began in The United States Supreme Court case of Rebecca Friedrichs et al vs. the California Teachers Union et al. The DEA, through the law firm of Messing, Adam & Jasmine LLP of San Francisco, is participating (in both a separate filing and also as part of a NAPO filing) in an amicus brief asking the U. S. Supreme Court to uphold agency shop dues. A decision is expected before the summer of 2016. The case challenges a union’s ability to collect dues and thus represent its members. Litigants are attempting to circumvent the payment of union dues, but insist on enjoying the benefits negotiated by their union.
