The Detectives’ Endowment Association, Inc. — Representing The Greatest Detectives In the World!

Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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New Video About Det. Dalsh Veve

New Video About Det. Dalsh Veve

On June 3, 2017, while a Police Officer on patrol in the confines of the 67 Precinct, Det. Dalsh Veve was violently dragged during a car stop, which left him in a medically induced coma for weeks, followed by years of rehabilitation. Still in a wheelchair with extremely limited ability to communicate, a new, short and touching video about Det. Veve and his wife Esther was recently produced. Here is the link:


Please feel free to distribute this video and share it on social media.


You can read the backstory about Det. Dalsh Veve by clicking here: Dalsh Veve from The Gold Shield fall issue 2019