Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Tee Shirt Fundraiser for Retired Det. Mike Hanson

Tee Shirt Fundraiser for Retired Det. Mike Hanson

On September 11, 2001, like thousands of other Members of the Service, Det. Mike Hanson responded. In 2006, Mike retired from the elite NYPD Emergency Service Squad, Truck #1. Mike is also a volunteer fireman with the Woodbury Fire Department, where he continues to serve his community. But now he needs our help.  Mike is suffering from a neurological disorder linked to 9/11.  His treatments are expensive and not completely covered by his medical insurance. He requires day-to-day care because of his limited mobility. Mike and his family have touched so many lives in one way or another. A fundraiser to help Mike and his family in this difficult time has been launched with a tee-shirt designed to off-set some of their expenses caused by this neurological disorder. Please consider purchasing a tee-shirt in dark gray or navy blue for $20 to help his family. 100% of the proceeds go to the Hansons. Email —

Email [email protected]

Or contact retired Det. Cliff Ader with the Highland Mills Fire Department for further information; or send checks directly to –

Attn: Cliff Ader

Highland Mills Fire Company

P.O. Box 162-455

Route 32

Highland Mills, NY 10930





RIG Roundtable Dinner 2025

RIG — The Retired Investigators Guild (RIG) — is a non-profit organization of retired Investigators dedicated to providing expert assistance