Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Update on the Vaccine Mandate as of November 3, 2021

Update on the Vaccine Mandate as of November 3, 2021

We are writing to update you regarding the ongoing discussions the DEA, along with the Municipal Labor Committee, is having with the NYC Office of Labor Relations regarding various aspects of the City’s implementation of the Vaccine Mandate. As we previously advised, after the City presented an unacceptable proposal to the DEA, we submitted a counter-proposal in order to secure the best possible terms and conditions for our unvaccinated members. On November 3rd, 2021, the City indicated that they are willing to entertain some of the counter-proposals presented, 1). as they relate to the time frames by which members are permitted to file for religious/medical exemptions while remaining on payroll, and, 2). the payroll status of individuals during their pendency of appeals of NYPD denials of such exemption requests. Once we receive a more specific written proposal from the City, we will update you all accordingly.

However, there is one thing that is certain — if you have not already submitted a request to the NYPD EEOD for a medically-based or religiously-based reasonable accommodation to the Vaccine Mandate, the DEA strongly suggests that you do so as soon as possible, provided you can articulate a valid, good-faith reason for making said request.

Also, we must stress that the DEA has not agreed to the mandate or any of the terms/conditions of its implementation. Realizing the Courts will not provide our members any relief, we will continue to demand the most favorable terms possible. 

As always, the DEA will keep you all apprised of the latest developments.


Paul DiGiacomo &

The DEA Board of Officers

