Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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10-13 for Deserving Nephew of Active Detective

10-13 for Deserving Nephew of Active Detective

The teenaged nephew of Intelligence Division Det. Jason Dowdell is battling Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

Dylan Dowdell is a positive, upbeat, stoic 13-year-old who could use some assistance. One year ago, he was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease, “IgA Nephropathy (IGAN or Berger Disease).” At the time of that diagnosis, his family was not certain if he would need dialysis or a kidney transplant. He has an excellent nephrologist who has been managing his condition with medication, diet, and exercise. However, last August, Dylan noticed a lump on his throat that doctors first thought was an infected lymph node. A biopsy revealed, however, that it was Hodgkins’ Lymphoma. After Dylan had his lymph nodes surgically removed, he began chemotherapy treatments in January of 2024. Det. Dowdell’s brother and sister-in-law have had to miss work to accompany their son to multiple chemo treatments and hydration tangents to protect his kidneys.

Unfortunately, the cocktail of chemotherapy Dylan is taking will likely destroy his kidney function. He’ll probably have to undergo radiation when the current treatments are finished. Between the current medical expenses and future treatments, Dylan’s family could use financial help. Their savings are rapidly depleting, because of so many out-of-pocket expenses. Throughout this whole ordeal, Dylan’s primary concern is whether or not he’s going to have to miss his school play. He was cast in a lead role and he’s thrilled about it. Even though his hair started falling out, he keeps his focus on positive things, like the play.

A Go Fund Me page has been created for Dylan and his family. Anything you can contribute to this brave, young man will be greatly appreciated. Click on the pdf file link below to make a contribution. On behalf of the Dowdell family, we thank you.