Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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10-13 for Det. Keith D’Souza

10-13 for Det. Keith D’Souza

Det. Keith D’Souza of the Force Investigation Division is battling Stage 3 cancer. The members of FID started a Go Fund Me page to raise money to help the D’Souza family in this time of critical need.

Keith is a devoted father who has also dedicated his life to public service. Det. D’Souza served eight years in the United States Navy: four years of active duty and four years in the reserves. He served three tours on a naval aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea and patrolled the Persian Gulf near Iraq.

Det. D’Souza comes from a family of public servants. His uncle was a Police Officer and both of his parents worked for the school system. He continued the tradition of giving back to his community, which is why as soon as he left the Navy he joined the NYPD.

Keith has undergone numerous costly medical treatments and surgeries. We hope through the Go Fund Me page some of the financial burden on his family can be alleviated.

To contribute to the Go Fund Me campaign, click on the link below to access the donation page. Any contribution to this hardworking Detective and his family will be greatly appreciated.