Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Fundraiser for the Bermudez Family

Fundraiser for the Bermudez Family

The DEA regrets to announce the June 3, 2022 death of Active Det. Jonathan A. Bermudez of the Manhattan Child Abuse Squad of the Special Victims Division.

Det. Bermudez, known as “J.B.,” was a military veteran, having served in the United States Army. He served 15 years in the NYPD, and was much beloved by his colleagues who describe him as the consummate family man and “a big guy with a big heart.” His friends and colleagues have created a fundraising campaign to help his wife and four, young children (all under the age of 12) deal with their difficult loss and grief.

Click on the link below to access the Fund the First campaign to assist the Bermudez family. Your support will be greatly appreciated.