Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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50-a Update / Disciplinary Data Dashboard

50-a Update / Disciplinary Data Dashboard

Beginning on March 8, 2021, the Department began publishing a limited number of disciplinary records of members on the NYPD’s website home page. The records disclosed are limited to substantiated charges and specifications which resulted in a finding of guilty after trial or a plea of guilty to such charges. The Department will not be publishing exonerated, unfounded, or unsubstantiated allegations against members, nor the disciplinary history of retirees. So far, the records of only 25 Detectives were disclosed. Prior to the disclosure, we informed the members concerned and had them review the records to ensure their accuracy. It’s because of our continued pressure that disclosure of records has been limited. In light of the above, we have voluntarily discontinued the pending federal court case. Given the federal court’s rejection of the injunction and our arguments, and given that we have been able to limit what is being disclosed, we determined that continuing the suit, at this point, would be a waste of resources and money. Be assured that we are constantly monitoring this situation. We will go back into court should that be necessary. We are awaiting a final decision on a case filed in Monroe County in upstate New York. Members are urged to go online and check their “Officer Information Card” to determine if all information is correct. Any discrepancies must be sent to the Police Department via email at [email protected]

