Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Active UMOS Line of Duty Prescription Drug Program

Active UMOS Line of Duty Prescription Drug Program

The Police Department instituted a Line of Duty Prescription Drug Program for approved medications for line of duty injuries for active uniformed members of the service.

The plan is administered in conjunction with Emblem Health

UMOS utilizing this program for approved line of duty injuries must provide their pharmacist with the following:

Rx BIN:  400023

Rx PCN:  (Will Be Left Blank)

Member ID: MOS Tax ID

UMOS who require guidance with any aspect of this program (or in the event of unusual circumstances) assistance can obtained by calling the Emblem Health 24-hour help desk at 1 (800) 877-9370. UMOS will be asked to provide the corresponding line of duty report number. This number can be ascertained by contacting the Medical Division, Monday through Friday, from 0700 to 1800 hours, at (718) 760-4125.

The Medical Division’s Sick Desk Supervisor is available 24-hours per day at (718) 760-7606.
