Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Always Remember the Heroes of 9/11 — Please Share the DEA’s New Video

Always Remember the Heroes of 9/11 — Please Share the DEA’s New Video

In honor of this 20th remembrance of September 11, 2001, the DEA produced a new video to remind the public of the sacrifices our members made, and continue to make, in order to keep this City, State, and nation safe.

Click on the icon below to watch the DEA’s latest YouTube video and please share it with your friends and family.

You can follow our daily posts on Facebook (@GreatestDetectives), Twitter (@NYCPDDEA) , and Instagram (@GreatestDetectives). We will be taking an ad in this week’s Daily News as well as run online banners on the Daily News website.

And please, never forget all of our nation’s first responders and our NYPD DEA heroes.



