Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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An Important Message for Our Narcotics Detectives

An Important Message for Our Narcotics Detectives

At the Thursday, July 23, 2020 Compstat meeting, Chief of Department Terence Monahan said that our Narcotics Detectives were afraid to do their jobs.


NYC Narcotics Detectives are not afraid. They are fearless. They do a dangerous job heroically each and every day. The proof is in the Hall of Heroes on the bronze plaques with the names of our brothers and sisters who gave their very lives in pursuit of a safer city. Many of them were from Narcotics.


They are not afraid — they’re far from afraid — but they are not stupid, either. Given the new Diaphragm Law, no intelligent Narcotics Detectives will gamble everything: their freedom, their livelihood, and the security of their family, on the Chief of Department’s promise of goodwill from the local DA. They are not going to gamble on becoming a victim of the Mayor’s insane, new law. No Detective wants to be the test case. We cannot rely on mere hope and wishes that District Attorneys won’t prosecute our members and won’t react to the political winds of the day. As a matter of fact, prosecutors have demonstrated that they have become lax in prosecuting narcotics cases at all.


The Police Commissioner has disbanded the Anti-Crime Units citing that the majority of their street encounters are confrontational. The very same is true for Narcotics enforcement, even more so, and the Department’s leadership knows this. Yet, it appears that out of desperation they are trying to recreate Anti-Crime in the form of Narcotics units. Shouldn’t they have the same concern for Narcotics Detectives that they have for Anti-Crime members?


We applaud the bosses who showed genuine leadership and spoke out truthfully on behalf of our Narcotics Detectives. The exchange that took place at Thursday’s Compstat meeting was insulting and, in today’s climate of anti-police rhetoric, it is more important than ever that we ALL stand up for the safety and well-being of the “Greatest Detectives in the World!” We believe the only people who are afraid is the management of the Police Department who should be fighting to get this new Diaphragm Law overturned.


This law needs to be overturned, and if the Department won’t fight this law, then the DEA, in solidarity with the other police unions, will lead the charge. Be assured the DEA is and will do everything to protect our members’ rights. Protect yourself, protect your partner, and be safe.


Paul DiGiacomo, President, and the DEA Board of Officers

