Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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DEA Sends Letter to State Senator Alessandra Biaggi

DEA Sends Letter to State Senator Alessandra Biaggi

The DEA sent the following letter to New York State Senator Alessandra Biaggi regarding her support of Dr. Cheryl Champ of the Pelham School District who banned the wearing of “Thin Blue Line” police flags on clothing, particularly the sweatshirt honoring Det. George Caccavale, killed in the line of duty on June 26, 1976. Attached to the letter is the speech made by Biaggi’s grandfather, the Hon. Mario Biaggi, to the United States Congress on July 1, 1976, about the murder of his close friend, Det. George Caccavale.

Letter to Alessandra Biaggi from the DEA December 2020


Read State Senator Biaggi’s statement in support of the police flag ban here:
