Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Deadline Extended for WTC Notice of Participation to September 11, 2026

Deadline Extended for WTC Notice of Participation to September 11, 2026

On September 11, 2022, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed another extender bill (S. 9294A / A. 10416) for the deadline for filing the Notice of Participation with the New York Police Pension Fund regarding work during the rescue and recovery from 9/11/01. The deadline date to file the NOP is now September 11, 2026.

As you are aware, the Notice of Participation is not an application for disability benefits, but merely preserves the right of the member of the service to file for a WTC disability pension if he or she becomes disabled because of a 9/11-related illness, whether the member is now active or retired. (However, the member had to be active during the events of, and clean-up from, the World Trade Center attack.)

Failure to file the NYPPF NOP may preclude an NYPD member from receiving a WTC disability pension or death benefit in the future.

By this time, most members of the service who were working on the rescue and recovery from 9/11 have filed their Notice of Participation, and NYPPF has listed all the Tax ID numbers of those whose paperwork they’ve already received. These numbers can be viewed on the pdf file on the PPF website. The document can be found under “WTC Information” — a link which is listed on the left side of the NYPPF website home page.

If your Tax ID number is already listed, you do not have to re-file.

However, if your number does not appear, you must file the NOP form (even if you currently have no symptoms of illness) by September 11, 2026 to be eligible in the future in case of illness and/or death.

The NOP Form can also be found on the NYPD Police Pension Fund website. Some of the materials you can use to verify your Notice of Participation work includes your memo books, DARS (daily activity reports), overtime slips, detail rosters, command log entries (either still at your command or at the borough command), signed and notarized affidavits from colleagues verifying you were at the pile, the Morgue, or Freshkills Landfill, photographs taken at the locations during the rescue and recovery, and/or news articles from the rescue and recovery in which you are mentioned.

Please make sure this very important paperwork has been filed with the Police Pension Fund, but first check the existing pdf to make sure you have not already done so in the past. Most MOS have.

You can connect to the PPF homepage from the DEA’s website. There is a link to the PPF on the top, right corner of our home page.

Please make sure you have filed this important paperwork in the event you become ill in the future.



