Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Go Fund Me Page for Det. Edward French

Go Fund Me Page for Det. Edward French

Det. Edward French, a 15-year veteran of the NYPD currently assigned to Bronx Narcotics, suffered a massive stroke on February 25, 2018 while at home. Det. French battled his symptoms, but ultimately needed a hemicraniectomy (surgery to relieve pressure on the brain) procedure. At this time, he doesn’t have mobility on the left side of his body and his speech has been greatly affected. He requires extensive physical and occupational therapy. There are many medical expenses not covered by insurance, such as ambulatory transport to Stony Brook Medical Center, Good Samaritan Hospital, St. Charles Rehabilitation and to and from therapy, and other additional expenses.


The family has started a Go Fund Me page and any assistance is greatly appreciated.


